Quit smoking

Do you want to stop smoking but don’t know how to start?

Pro Rauchfrei would like to introduce you to some successful methods.

Good to know

The motivation to quit increases with the knowledge of what you are doing to your body by smoking. The YouTube channel Kurzerklärt.de conveys this in an entertaining way under the title “Smoking is great”. The animated video lasts a good 12 minutes:

Dependence test:

Do you already know whether you are addicted to nicotine? If not, take the so-called Fagerström test (FTND). There are only a few questions to answer and you can analyse the results yourself:


Guides, methods for smoking cessation:

Or his book:  “Endlich Nichtraucher! Der einfache Weg, mit dem Rauchen Schluss zu machen” by Allen Carr, Goldmann Verlag, 2012

Information is provided on the topics of smoking, self-confidence and alcohol. Tests, video clips, quizzes and worksheets are available as teaching material. Young people and parents receive information on counselling services and further programmes and links. The use of feelok.de is free of charge and the service is free of commercial advertising.


  • The NichtraucherHelden app, available for Android and iphone. Voted test winner by Stiftung Warentest in December 2023 (score 1.8)

The app offers a basic programme with 10-day support for currently 89 euros and a so-called medical programme with 10-day and subsequent three-month support, which costs 139 euros. The costs can be covered in full or in part by health insurance companies. The app is GDPR-compliant. More information on their website.

helps users to live permanently smoke-free and can now be prescribed by doctors and psychotherapists. All statutory and many private health insurance companies cover the costs of using the app. Scientific studies confirm the effectiveness of the smoking cessation programme. The app is GDPR-compliant.

  • QuitBot: „One of the world’s first scientifically-based chatbots for quitting smoking”

in English – free of charge – registration is required for use.

  • The SmokeFree Buddy App for iphone and Android: In this programme, a supporter (buddy) helps with quitting and provides encouragement, help and rewards. The programme was developed by the University of Geneva.

Info-Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_3LkedQmP4Homepage  with all information: http://www.smokefree.ch/de/buddy-app/.

  • Smokerface and Smokerstop by the initiative “Aufklärung gegen Tabak”

Smokerface is an artificial ageing programme that can show how unfavourably smoking affects your appearance over the years. Smokerstop helps you quit smoking with motivational messages and a real-time visualisation of how the body recovers when you stop smoking. Information at http://gegentabak.de/apps/.

More services:

Information page on smoking cessation by Krankenkassen-Zentrale.

In addition to general information on cessation and some methods, this section also provides information on the benefits provided by statutory and private health insurance companies for cessation.

Health portal jameda with its own section on quitting smoking

The articles by experts on the subject explain the consequences of smoking on the body and mind as well as possible methods for quitting. A reader survey shows which approaches are the most popular and successful.


Articles on the subject of nicotine cessation:

A study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Columbia University New York proves that transcranial magnetic stimulation helps people who want to quit smoking. After 18 weeks, twice as many smokers had quit as in the placebo control group.

  • Article: https://www.heise.de/news/Studie-zeigt-Magnetfelder-koennen-helfen-mit-dem-Rauchen-aufzuhoeren-6237034.html
  • Study: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wps.20905

When couples quit smoking together, their chances of success increase sixfold, according to a study published in April 2019 by the European Society of Cardiology.

Press release in English at www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-04/esoc-e1a040819.php

Studies by scientists at the universities of Rehovot, Haifa and Tel Aviv have shown that unpleasant odours (rotten eggs, smelly fish) during sleep and the administration of omega-3, fatty acid capsules can effectively support smoking cessation.


A study has shown that the craving for nicotine is reduced by the intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish or vegetable oils. Certain medications have the same effect, but they are not only more expensive but also have some serious side effects.

Quelle: http://www.praxisvita.de/wie-ihnen-ein-hering-dabei-helfen-kann-mit-dem-rauchen-aufzuhoeren/gn/11933

Canadian scientists have proven the positive effect of running in groups on the smoking cessation process: Source: https://kurier.at/wellness/university-of-british-columbia-laufgruppen-helfen-beim-rauchstopp/285.963.121.

Change of diet: If, for example, coffee and beer have only ever been consumed together with cigarettes, it is better to avoid coffee and alcohol. An additional tip: oranges change the oral mucosa; a cigarette no longer tastes good afterwards.

Source: http://www.focus.de/gesundheit/experten/rauchfrei-durch-die-richtige-ernaehrung_id_7525918.html.

The “reporters” accompany Ben, who has been smoking for 17 years, for four weeks as he quits. Watching the film may be helpful if you are thinking about quitting smoking. However, not everyone has the physical withdrawal symptoms shown in the film and will find it easier:

Rauchen aufhören – Ben kämpft mit seiner Nikotin-Sucht  (at youtube)

We at Pro Rauchfrei keep our fingers crossed that you will be able to realise your resolution.