Caution with disposable vapes!

05.07.2024 Not marketable, not safe for children, nicotine content not correctly stated, no package leaflet, no warnings available or incomplete – these test results for disposable e-cigarettes make you sit up and take notice. In 2022, single-use e-cigarettes (disposables) were tested in the laboratories of eight federal states as part of official controls: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, … Read more

Street promotion with free cigarettes stopped by Pro Rauchfrei

Tabakpromotion auf der Straße: Zwei junge Leute verschenken Zigaretten (KI-generiertes Bild)

04.05.2024 – The tobacco industry has its own way of celebrating the non-smoking month of May. They pay young people to lure other young people with tobacco on the street. But the “celebration” is not taking place this year. (Article image: AI-generated; (c) Pro Rauchfrei e.V.) From 2 May, throughout the whole month, cigarettes were … Read more

Flavours in e-liquids: the mass human experiment

Die tausenden an Aromen sind ein riesiger Versuch am Menschen mit völlig unerforschten Wirkungen.

24.01.2024  E-cigarette flavours have their own addictive potential and harbour health risks – both must be included in the harm-benefit analysis for e-cigarettes. The issues of indoor air pollution and the effects of passive vapour will also become more important for non-consumers if the number of consumers continues to rise and non-smoker protection in Germany … Read more