Information about Pro Rauchfrei e.V.
Pro Rauchfrei is a registered non-profit association (e.V.), which is also entered in the lobby register of the German Bundestag and the European Transparency Register. With around 2,000 members and 10,000 Facebook fans, Pro Rauchfrei is Germany’s largest non-smoking association and has been active for years as a consumer protection association in the area of non-smoking.
Founded: 2004
Board of Directors: Stephan Weinberger (Chairman and Press Spokesman).
Association headquarters: Munich
Administration office: Birkenstr. 7, 94539 Grafling
Postal address: P.O. Box 100223, 93002 Regensburg
Contact to the press spokesman: Dipl.-Jur. Stephan Weinberger, phone: 0170 1865016; e-mail:
Goals: To enable non-smokers to lead a smoke-free life, our counseling services include
Information about the risks of tobacco products and passive smoking
- Counseling services for members and non-members
- Support in the event of legal violations via our complaints form
- Political work as a lobby for non-smokers
- more about our goals
Achievements ++ Positions (Download PDF) ++ Statutes