Rehabilitate the budget AND save lives in the process? Yes, we can!

A pair of scales with a packet of cigarettes in the left pan, which is low to the ground, and banknotes and coins in the right pan, which is high to the ground: The costs of smoking far outweigh the tobacco tax revenue.

20.08.2024 The current tobacco tax policy in Germany is – to put it mildly – suboptimal. Smoking costs the healthcare system and the economy 97 billion euros a year. More than 30 billion of these costs arise from the treatment, care and rehabilitation of smokers and people who fall ill as a result of passive … Read more

Major setback for the tobacco industry – petrol stations are not tobacco retailers

og:image:alt: Unzulässige Schaufensterwerbung an einer Tankstelle, die von Pro Rauchfrei abgemahnt wurde

05.08.2024 Stuttgart Higher Regional Court prohibits outdoor advertising – success for Pro Rauchfrei e.V. On 1 August, the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court issued a clear rejection of the attempt to declare petrol stations as specialist tobacco shops. At the request of Pro Rauchfrei e.V., it prohibited a petrol station in Fellbach from continuing to advertise … Read more

Street promotion with free cigarettes stopped by Pro Rauchfrei

Tabakpromotion auf der Straße: Zwei junge Leute verschenken Zigaretten (KI-generiertes Bild)

04.05.2024 – The tobacco industry has its own way of celebrating the non-smoking month of May. They pay young people to lure other young people with tobacco on the street. But the “celebration” is not taking place this year. (Article image: AI-generated; (c) Pro Rauchfrei e.V.) From 2 May, throughout the whole month, cigarettes were … Read more