Rehabilitate the budget AND save lives in the process? Yes, we can!

A pair of scales with a packet of cigarettes in the left pan, which is low to the ground, and banknotes and coins in the right pan, which is high to the ground: The costs of smoking far outweigh the tobacco tax revenue.

20.08.2024 The current tobacco tax policy in Germany is – to put it mildly – suboptimal. Smoking costs the healthcare system and the economy 97 billion euros a year. More than 30 billion of these costs arise from the treatment, care and rehabilitation of smokers and people who fall ill as a result of passive … Read more

From our consumer protection work: Tobacco advertising outside only permitted on the premises of specialised retailers

Sowohl digitale wie auch konventionelle Außenwerbung an einer Tankstelle.

13.03.2024  Pro Rauchfrei warns against illegal outdoor advertising for tobacco products and e-cigarettes. The picture shows digital and conventional advertising for cigarettes and e-cigarettes at a petrol station in Hesse. Since 1 January of this year, outdoor advertising for tobacco products, e-cigarettes and refill containers is no longer permitted, except on the premises of specialist … Read more

Flavours in e-liquids: the mass human experiment

Die tausenden an Aromen sind ein riesiger Versuch am Menschen mit völlig unerforschten Wirkungen.

24.01.2024  E-cigarette flavours have their own addictive potential and harbour health risks – both must be included in the harm-benefit analysis for e-cigarettes. The issues of indoor air pollution and the effects of passive vapour will also become more important for non-consumers if the number of consumers continues to rise and non-smoker protection in Germany … Read more