Major setback for the tobacco industry – petrol stations are not tobacco retailers

og:image:alt: Unzulässige Schaufensterwerbung an einer Tankstelle, die von Pro Rauchfrei abgemahnt wurde

05.08.2024 Stuttgart Higher Regional Court prohibits outdoor advertising – success for Pro Rauchfrei e.V. On 1 August, the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court issued a clear rejection of the attempt to declare petrol stations as specialist tobacco shops. At the request of Pro Rauchfrei e.V., it prohibited a petrol station in Fellbach from continuing to advertise … Read more

Street promotion with free cigarettes stopped by Pro Rauchfrei

Tabakpromotion auf der Straße: Zwei junge Leute verschenken Zigaretten (KI-generiertes Bild)

04.05.2024 – The tobacco industry has its own way of celebrating the non-smoking month of May. They pay young people to lure other young people with tobacco on the street. But the “celebration” is not taking place this year. (Article image: AI-generated; (c) Pro Rauchfrei e.V.) From 2 May, throughout the whole month, cigarettes were … Read more

Doing it right instead of rushing -Pro Rauchfrei continues to call for vending machine buttons with warnings

Analoger Tabakautomat mit Auswahltasten und Muster-Warnhinweis

09.04.2024 Pro Rauchfrei withdraws its application for a temporary injunction and prepares an action on the main issue In today’s hearing before the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court (OLG) against the tobacco vending machine operator tobaccoland, we demanded that the opposing party refrain from offering cigarettes in vending machines if the images on the selection buttons … Read more