1. Admission to the association
Admission to the association is free of charge. An admission fee is not charged. There is no entitlement to admission. With the written or electronic confirmation, the application for admission is considered provisionally accepted. If no further notification is received within four weeks, the application is deemed to have been finally accepted. Membership can then only be terminated via the statutory exclusion procedure. Ordinary membership begins upon receipt of the first membership fee in the association’s account.
2. due date
The membership fees are to be paid annually in advance by the member into the Association’s account, provided the member has opted to pay a membership fee. The membership number must be stated as the reason for payment.
3. membership fees
1. The amount of the contribution is determined by the member. The annual minimum contribution may not be undercut.
2. Members may change the amount of their contribution at any time and without giving reasons.
3. all legally competent members may participate in the direct debit procedure.
3.1. A revocation is possible at any time without giving reasons.
3.2 The association assumes that the member ensures sufficient funds in their own account.
3.3 The member is obliged to inform the association of any changes to their account details as soon as they become known.
3.4 The Association must be notified in writing of any changes to the amount of the membership fee in good time, but at least 14 days before the next due date.
3.5 Costs incurred by the Association through the member’s own fault shall be charged to the member.
4. The minimum annual fee for ordinary members is € 15.00 for individuals and € 21.00 for families.
5. The minimum annual contribution for a classic membership3) is € 18.00 for individuals and € 24.00 for families:
The association makes the following recommendations regarding the amount of contributions:
Category | Single contribution p.a. | Family contribution p.a. |
Pupils, students, people doing military service and pensioners | 15,00 € | 21,00 € |
Ordinary members | 25,00 € | 35,00 € |
Supporting members | 50,00 € | 75,00 € |
Honorary members | non-contributory | non-contributory |
4. Non-profit status
Pro Rauchfrei has been recognized by the tax office for corporations as a non-profit and tax-privileged organization in the areas of “promotion of consumer advice and consumer protection” and “promotion of public health and public health care”. Both donations and membership fees are tax-deductible.
1. Donation receipts are sent automatically, provided that…
1.1. … the amount of the grant is at least € 300
1.2. … it is clear from whom the donation originates.
1.3. … a current and valid postal address is known to the association.
It is therefore in the member’s interest to inform the association of any changes to their own data as soon as possible and to state their membership number under “Intended use” whenever they make a donation to the association.
5. Exemption from contributions without loss of voting rights
1. Standard and premium members who are unable to pay the minimum membership fee due to their financial circumstances may, upon application, be exempted from the membership fee in whole or in part by resolution of the Board without losing their voting rights.
2 The application must be accompanied by a statement of reasons.
3. The application must be submitted in writing to the Board. The applicant shall also be notified of the Board’s decision in writing.
4. There is no entitlement to partial or full exemption from contributions while retaining the right to vote.
6. Termination of membership
Any type of membership ends through termination, exclusion or death (Section 6, subsection 1 of the Articles of Association). Notice of termination must be given to the Executive Board in writing or electronically at least 3 months before the end of the financial year. If a membership with voting rights is terminated, the membership without voting rights shall continue unless an objection is raised. The obligation to pay contributions continues until the date of termination or exclusion. Any type of membership or affiliation that has arisen with intent to deceive is null and void.
8. Final provision, period of validity, amendments
- If a provision of these contribution regulations loses its validity due to a change in the law, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.
- These contribution regulations shall only lose their validity upon publication of a new version.
9. Entry into force
These contribution regulations were approved by the Executive Board on January 9, 2023 in accordance with Section 8 (2) of the Articles of Association dated November 27, 2021 and enter into force on this date.
1) Sparkasse Erlangen, IBAN: DE27 7635 0000 0051 0044 40, BIC:BYLADEM1ERH
2) With online membership, all correspondence between the member and the association is conducted electronically (e-mail). We pass on the savings in postage and administration costs to the online members.
3) With a traditional membership, invitations and newsletters cannot be sent by email. The increased membership fee serves to cover the postage and administration costs incurred by traditional mailing.
4) Certified by the Munich tax office for corporations under tax number 143/844/27894
5) For amounts up to € 300.00, the cash deposit slip or the booking confirmation from the bank is sufficient.