As a member

An association lives through its members. And that’s why you always have the option of getting involved on a voluntary basis. You are welcome to bring in your own topics or suggestions for activities and implement them.

Become a member and support us! Registration form

A few possible assignments:

  • Write letters to potential supporters, celebrities or decision-makers in politics, business or the media by arrangement.
  • Organise an information stand at your place of residence. You will receive materials from us.
  • Write articles on non-smoker (protection) topics that you know a lot about, e.g. smoking and health / non-smoker requests to politicians, tobacco advertising, smoking in the media, non-smoker protection in the workplace – how does it work? etc.
  • Use business cards or flyers to advertise for Pro Rauchfrei in your organisation. You can request materials from us.
  • Set up a Pro Smokefree regulars’ table
  • Introduce us to companies, banks, entrepreneurs or private individuals (who, for example, would like to forego birthday presents in favour of donations) as recipients of donations. (Keyword: “Donations instead of gifts”)
  • Contact possible sponsors or co-operation partners/friends for us.

We would be delighted to hear your further ideas and suggestions.